How to write code in jQuery that will copy the current site URL when a button is clicked?

Here is an example of jQuery code that copies the current website URL to the clipboard when clicking a button with the class copy-current-url:

Copy URL


    $(document).ready(function () {
        $('.copy-current-url').on('click', function () {
            // Create a temporary input element
            const tempInput = $('<input>');

            // Set the current URL as the value

            // Copy the text to the clipboard

            // Remove the temporary input element

            // Optionally, display a notification
            alert('URL copied to clipboard!');

How it works:

  1. When the button is clicked, a temporary <input> element is created.
  2. The current URL (window.location.href) is written into this element.
  3. The text is copied to the clipboard using the document.execCommand('copy') command.
  4. The temporary element is removed after copying.
  5. An optional notification is shown to indicate that the URL was successfully copied.

This approach works in most browsers. However, if you’re using modern methods, you can replace document.execCommand with the navigator.clipboard API for better browser support.

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