How to

How to check if a folder exists in php, wordpress

To check if a folder exists in PHP, you can use the is_dir() function. This function returns true if the path is an existing directory and false otherwise. Example: In the context of WordPress, you can also use built-in WordPress functions for working with files and directories. For example, the wp_mkdir_p() function will create a…
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How to shuffle an array while preserving keys in php, wordpress

In PHP (including WordPress), you can shuffle an array while preserving its keys by using a custom function. The standard shuffle() function resets the array keys, so you need a different approach. Here’s one way to shuffle an array while preserving its keys: This shuffle_assoc() function first extracts the array keys, shuffles them using shuffle(),…
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How to remove all get parameters from a string in php, WordPress

To remove all GET parameters from a URL in PHP, including in WordPress, you can use the parse_url function to parse the URL, and then reconstruct it without the query parameters. In WordPress, you can also use built-in functions for URL manipulation. Example in plain PHP: Example for WordPress: In WordPress, you can use the…
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How to remove spaces from an array in php, WordPress

To remove spaces from array elements in PHP, you can use the array_map function along with trim(). In WordPress, this works the same way. Example: This code applies the trim() function to all elements of the array, removing spaces from the beginning and end of each element. In WordPress, you can use this in places…
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How to Check if a String is a Link Using WordPress Function

In WordPress, you can use the wp_http_validate_url() function to check if a string is a valid URL. Here’s an example: This function checks if the string conforms to the URL standard. If you just need to verify if a string is a URL in terms of syntax without additional checks, you can use the standard…
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How to get all files from a folder in php, wordpress

To retrieve all files from a folder in PHP, including within WordPress, you can use the glob() or scandir() functions. Both methods are convenient and flexible for working with files. 1. Using glob() The glob() function returns an array of filenames and directories that match a specified pattern. Here’s an example: In this example: 2….
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How to make an event after 1 second wait after scroll on jquery

In jQuery, you can trigger an event after a 1-second delay following the end of a scroll by using setTimeout and clearTimeout to manage the delay. Here’s an example code that demonstrates this process: Explanation of the code: This approach ensures that the code is executed only after the user has stopped scrolling for 1…
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How to get closest parent element in js/jquery

To get the nearest parent element in JavaScript or jQuery, you can use the following methods: JavaScript: In JavaScript, you can use the closest() method, which searches for the nearest ancestor element (or the element itself) that matches the given selector. Example: jQuery: In jQuery, there is also a closest() method that works similarly. Example:…
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How to add CSS styles to an element with a date attribute in HTML

To add CSS to a <div> with a specific data attribute, you can use the attribute selector in your CSS file. Here’s how you can do it: Explanation Example Here’s an example that adds some styles to your <div>: In this example, the <div> with the data-container=”outer” attribute will have a light gray background, a…
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How to Make Different Templates for Categories and Subcategories in WordPress

In the base template hierarchy, you can use the following category templates: category-{slug}.php category-{id}.php categories.php But, if you need to apply different php templates for categories and subcategories, you can use the category_template hook and check if the current category has a parent element, in which case load e.g. subcategory.php: If your task is to…
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How to add pagination for pages or cpt using WP_Query()

WordPress is designed so that you can paginate any query for posts from the database using WP_Query(), because the necessary ‘paged’ and ‘posts_per_page’ arguments are already present in the query. By pagination we mean page navigation. For example, if we specify the output of 10 posts per page and the WP_Query() response returns information about…
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How to exclude pages, categories, or author from search results in WordPress

By default, the search functionality in WordPress shows all record types and pages in the results. You may want to remove pages, categories, taxonomies, or posts by a specific author from your search. To do this, we need to fix the main is_search() query on the pre_get_posts hook. Let’s see some examples. How to hide…
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