How to

Why Files with Identical Content (*.js, *.php, *.css) Can Have Different Sizes?

When developers compare files with identical content but notice that their sizes differ, it can be perplexing. Let’s explore why this happens and what factors influence the size of files with extensions like *.js, *.php, and *.css. 1. File Encoding One of the key factors affecting file size is text encoding. The most common encodings…
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How to transfer a site from dle to WordPress?

Transferring a website from DLE (DataLife Engine) to WordPress can be a complex process, especially if the site has a lot of content. Here’s a step-by-step guide: 1. Preparation 2. Export Data from DLE DLE uses its own database structure, so you’ll need to export data and convert it into a format compatible with WordPress:…
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Does it make a difference to search engines whether a link contains get parameters or is it a direct address?

Yes, there is a difference for search engines between URLs with GET parameters and direct addresses, but this does not mean that one option is always better than the other. Here are the key points to consider: 1. Understanding GET parameters GET parameters (e.g., can be harder for search engines to interpret, especially when:…
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How to listen for input event in jQuery?

To track the event of typing characters in jQuery, you can use the input event. It triggers every time the content of an input field changes (e.g., when typing or deleting characters). Here’s an example: In this example: If you want to track the event only when the text is changed (e.g., when pressing keys),…
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How to check if a string is a registered post_type in WordPress?

To check if a string is a registered post_type in WordPress, you can use the post_type_exists() function. It checks if the specified post type is registered. Example code: The post_type_exists() function returns true if the specified post type exists and false if it does not.
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How to get a link to a WordPress user’s personal account

In WordPress, the links to author profile pages are generated by default and depend on the permalink structure. If you want to get the link to an author’s profile page (e.g., the author.php file), you can use the following methods: 1. Using the get_author_posts_url() function The get_author_posts_url() function returns the URL to the author’s page:…
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