WordPress Template Hierarchy full guide

A guide to the template hierarchy in WordPress

All modern WordPress themes consist of templates, style sheets, javascript, and images. Together, these files determine how your site will look to users. Templates with specific names affect certain areas of your website.

Generally, a WordPress theme should contain templates for displaying categories, dates, archives, individual posts, custom pages, etc. As a user, you can create your own templates using a child theme.
Visual WordPress Template Hierarchy (cheat sheet)

The visual cheat sheet below explains which template files are used to display different pages on a WordPress site.

Template hierarchy WordPress

Hierarchy for the home page

By default, WordPress displays the most recent posts on the home page of your site. You can also configure this in SettingsReadng in the WordPress admin.

If present in the theme, WordPress will use this template file regardless of the Reading settings.
Will be loaded if front-page.php does not exist and “Your Recent Posts” is set in the WordPress Reading Preferences.
Will be used if front-page.php does not exist and the “display static page” checkbox is checked in the WordPress Reading settings.
If front-page.php, page.php and home.php do not exist, WordPress will fall back to index.php to render the home page.

Hierarchy for single post

Use this template to change the display of a specific single post for any post type. For example, if the post type is “project” and the label of the post is “apple”, then WordPress will look for single-project-apple.php.
WordPress will check if a template exists to display that particular post type. For example, if the post type is “project”, WordPress will look for single-project.php.
General template for displaying all posts.
This fallback template is for displaying all pages of a single type.
If WordPress doesn’t find any of the previous templates, it will use index.php to render the page.

Hierarchy for single page

The assigned template for the page.
If the page label is “contact-us”, WordPress will look for page-contact-us.php to render.
If the page ID is 12, WordPress will look for a template file named page-12.php.
Template for displaying all static pages.
This template is the default fallback for all single type pages.
If WordPress doesn’t find any of the previous templates, it will use index.php to render the page.

Hierarchy for categories

This template is used to display a category archive page for a specific category. For example, if the category label is “projects”, WordPress will look for the category-projects.php template.
WordPress then looks for a template with a category ID. For example, if the category id is 12, then WordPress will look for category-12.php.
This template is used by default to display all category pages in WordPress.
This template is used by default to display any archived pages.
The default fallback template if none of the previous ones are found.

Hierarchy for tags

If the tag label is “horrors”, WordPress will look for tag-horrors.php.
If the tag id is 12, WordPress will look for the tag-12.php template.
Default template for tag archives.
Default template for any archive page.
The default fallback template if none of the previous ones are found.

Hierarchy for taxonomies

The categories and tags discussed above are the two taxonomies that WordPress has by default. Users can also create their own custom taxonomies.

If you have a taxonomy of “genre” and have a term of “thriller”, then WordPress will look for the template taxonomy-genre-thriller.php.
For all “genre” taxonomy terms, WordPress will look for the taxonomy-genre.php file if it doesn’t find the previous one.
The default template for displaying any custom taxonomy archives.
The default fallback for all archived pages in WordPress.
The default fallback template in WordPress.

Hierarchy for custom post types archives

If you have custom post types “review”, WordPress will look for archive-review.php to render.
The default template for displaying all archived pages in WordPress.
The default fallback template in WordPress.

Hierarchy for author archives

If the author’s nickname is “hulk”, WordPress will look for author-hulk.php.
If the user ID is 6, WordPress will look for author-6.php to render the page.
The default template used to display author archive pages in WordPress.
The default template for displaying all archived pages in WordPress.
The default fallback template in WordPress.

Hierarchy for post archives by date

WordPress also displays posts on archive pages based on the date for months and years. Here’s what the templates for these pages look like.

Default template for date-based archives.
The default template used to display archived pages in WordPress.
The default fallback template in WordPress.

Hierarchy for search results

The default page for displaying search results in WordPress.
The default fallback template in WordPress.

Hierarchy for 404

The 404 error page is displayed when WordPress cannot find the requested content.

The default template for displaying a 404 error page in WordPress.
The default fallback template in WordPress.

Hierarchy for attachments

mime_type denotes the file type. For example, image.php, video.php, application.php.
The default template for displaying attachment pages.
To display a single attachment.
The default template for displaying elements of a single type.
The default fallback template in WordPress.

Hierarchy for embeds

Starting with WordPress 4.5, you can use templates to render embedded content in WordPress.

WordPress will first look for the post type and post format template. For example, if you have a “review” with “video”, WordPress will look for the embed-review-video.php file.
If the post type is “review”, WordPress will look for embed-review.php.
The default fallback for all inserts.

Other theme files

These files are not used in the hierarchy, but are plugged inside most templates as part of them.

Contains the title of the WordPress site and is usually called at the beginning of all template files. It usually contains the logo and menu, as well as the technical information of the <head> tag – meta tags, calls to css and js files, analytics, page title, etc. Connected using the get_header().
Used to create the footer section of a WordPress theme and is called at the end of all template files. footer.php usually contains copyright information, JS file calls, widget areas, site navigation. It is connected using the get_footer() function.
Used to create a site sidebar and called in template files like index.php, page.php, single.php to display the sidebar panels. It usually contains widget areas. It is connected using the get_sidebar() function.
Template for displaying a search form in WordPress. It is connected using the get_search_form() function. It usually contains widget areas. It is connected using the get_sidebar() function.
A file that contains the functionality of a theme. As a rule, it is used only to connect logically divided files with site functions from the includes/ or inc/ folder. It connects automatically when the theme is loaded.

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