How to listen for input event in jQuery?

To track the event of typing characters in jQuery, you can use the input event. It triggers every time the content of an input field changes (e.g., when typing or deleting characters). Here’s an example:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('#myInput').on('input', function() {
    var enteredText = $(this).val();
    console.log('Entered text:', enteredText);

In this example:

  • #myInput is the ID of the input field.
  • Using .on('input', ...), we track any change in this field.
  • .val() returns the current text entered in the input field.

If you want to track the event only when the text is changed (e.g., when pressing keys), you can use the keyup event, but input is more versatile since it triggers on any change, including text inserted with the mouse or auto-fill.

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