The “post-to-post” relationship in WordPress can be implemented in several ways depending on your needs and technical expertise. Here are the main approaches: 1. Using Plugins If you want to implement post-to-post relationships without coding, you can use ready-made plugins: 2. Creating Custom Meta Fields You can use meta fields to store the IDs of…
How to
In jQuery, you can track changes to the text inside a <span> tag in several ways, depending on how the change happens. The main approach is to use MutationObserver, as it allows monitoring changes in the DOM. Here’s an example: 1. Using MutationObserver 2. Event via Custom Change If the text is changed via jQuery…
You can use jQuery to create a visual timer based on the time specified in the data-time-created attribute. Here is an example implementation: HTML Code: jQuery Code: What the script does: Result: The <div class=”order-counter”> element will show a countdown in the format HH:MM:SS. After the time is up, it will display a message saying…
To receive incoming messages in a Telegram bot using the Telegram API with PHP in WordPress, follow these steps: 1. Create a Telegram Bot 2. Set Up Webhook for the Bot Telegram sends messages to your bot through a Webhook. Set up a URL where updates will be sent: 3. Add Processing in WordPress If…
The wp_set_post_terms() function allows you to assign terms to a post within a specific taxonomy. To detach a post from a taxonomy, you can use the same function but pass an empty array as the list of terms. Example: Here: Detailed Explanation When you pass an empty array to wp_set_post_terms(), WordPress removes all associations between…
In WordPress, to get terms using get_terms() and filter them by post type (post_type), you need to perform an additional SQL query since get_terms() does not provide direct options for filtering by post type. You can either use meta_query or work through relationships with posts. Here’s a step-by-step method: Example of getting terms that have…
To add the $first_item array to the beginning of another array in PHP, you can use the array_unshift function. This function inserts one or more elements at the beginning of an array, shifting the other elements to the right. Here’s an example: Output: Explanation:
You can use PHP’s array_map function or loop through the array to generate the attribute string, and then insert it into the HTML markup. Here’s an example code: Output: Explanation: If you need a more dynamic approach for other tags, this solution is easily adaptable.
To integrate Tailwind CSS CDN scripts and pass configuration via PHP in WordPress, you need to follow these steps: Here’s an example of the code: Explanation: This code will load Tailwind CSS via the CDN and configure the theme, extending it with custom colors or other settings.
To create a link with button styles and an icon in Tailwind, you can combine classes for both the button and the icon. Here’s an example: Here: This code will create a button-style link with an icon and text.
To display an SVG icon from a folder in your WordPress theme using get_theme_file_path, you can do the following: Explanation: This code will embed the SVG content directly into the HTML of your page, allowing it to be used as a vector graphic. Ensure that your SVG file is available at the specified path and…
To sort posts by a custom date field using the pre_get_posts hook, you need to adjust the query parameters with the $query->set() method. Here’s an example: Explanation: Example with a real field: If you have a custom field with the key event_date, replace ‘your_date_field’ with ‘event_date’. Notes: